Saturday 25 July 2015

Electrical Engineerig: Semester No.1

Course Outline
EE 100: Electric Circuit(3+1)
Historical development: Charge, Current, Potential Difference,Current-voltage relationship for resistance, inductance and capacitance, constant voltage and constant current sources, Kirchoff's Law, Loop and node equations ,Thevenin and Norton's Theorems, Concept and use of duality, First order differential equation, determination of current and voltage in R-L and R-C circuits, Sinusoidal Current: Complex Number and Phasor notation,Concept and handling of phasor impedance,Lagging and leading currents and voltages, RMS and average values in general and for sinusoids. Complex power, Power factor and Correction, Maximum power transformer theorem.
The Analysis and Design of Linear Circuits by Ronald E.Thomas, Albert J.Rosa, Gregory J, Toussaint, john Wiley   7th edition                   ||view book||
Basic Engineering Circuit Analysis                                                              
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Circuit Analysis Theory and Practice 2nd Edition Robbins & Miller          
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Fundamental of Electric Circuit 4th edition Charles K.Alexander, Matthew N.O Sadiku 
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